shuttlecock laying on badminton court

Sports funding

Active4Today offers funding and support to individuals and clubs to support the development of sporting activity within Newark and Sherwood.

Sports funding

Active4Today are pleased to offer five grant aid schemes to residents of Newark and Sherwood.  

Talented Individuals 

We provide free access passes to one of our leisure centres for talented individuals who are members of national training squads. Applicants must be a permanent resident of Newark and Sherwood, a current member of a National training squad at the date of application, and compete and represent in competitions for their country.

Talented Individuals Free Access Pass Application (PDF File, 700kb)


Coach and Official Development

This fund has been designed to reduce the cost of obtaining a coaching or officiating qualification. Applicants can apply for up to 50% towards the course fee and individuals are only eligible for a maximum of £150 in a year. 

All application forms must be received before you attend any course. Funding will not be awarded to anyone that has already attended the coaching/officiating course. The grant will be awarded on proof of successful completion of the course, with evidence of attendance required. The applicant must be a resident of Newark and Sherwood or volunteer within the district. Please consult the guidance notes or contact the Sports Development team if you have any queries.

Coach and Official Development Grant Aid Form (PDF File, 586kb)

If you are unsure if your club has achieved or are working towards Clubmark/club accreditation you can view the full list on the Clubmark website.


Kit Sponsorship

Applications are welcomed from all junior age groups from age U7 to U16 as well as any team that is providing opportunities for disabled people and playing competitively. 

Each team will receive sponsorship as part of a 3 year deal that must include: 

 Kit Sponsorship Award Grant Aid Form 2022 (PDF File, 420kb)


Club Development/Project

There are 2 awards per year, up to £1000 awards for a project up to 12 months in length. 

The fund is open to voluntary sports clubs that are based in Newark and Sherwood and are ‘not for profit’. They must also have a constitution and a separate bank account held in the name of the group. Commercial and statutory organisations are ineligible.

Applications are welcomed from organisations that have received funding from us before.  The amount awarded will be up to a maximum of £1000.

Club Development - Project Grant Aid Form (PDF File, 430kb)


Community Engagement Award

There are 6 awards of £250 per year.  These smaller grants will support club open door events or the start-up of new sessions within the club structure.  The main aim of this award is to increase engagement in district wide sports/physical activity sessions.

Increasing participation in sport and physical activity is important to us.  For your Community Engagement Award to be successful you must show the need for the open door/new session to take place.

Community Engagement Grant Aid Form (PDF File, 426kb)


Grant Application Deadlines

Monday 16th September 2024

Monday 9th December 2024

Monday 10th March 2025

Monday 9th June 2025

Monday 8th September 2025

Monday 8th December 2025

Monday 9th March 2026

Any applications received after 5pm on the date specified will be deferred to the next panel.

Frequently Asked Questions and Further Information

If you are considering applying for the fund, please contact the Sports Development team on 01636 655780 or e-mail

Sports Grants FAQs (PDF File, 275kb)

Newark Youth Trust

Newark Youth Trust offers grants or loans to any charitable organisations whose objects are for the benefit of young persons. Newark Youth Trust is only allowed to make grants to organisations for young people and in particular for the benefit of their education, recreation and leisure, and with the object of improving their conditions of life. So if you are a local youth group or sports team looking for funding for kit or equipment get in touch.

Councillor's Divisional Fund Awards

Contact your local county councillor to find out more about how they might be able to support worthy initiatives in the area