Lady overlooking swimming pool

Mental Health

Help and Support

Shawmind Charity

Shawmind logo

Shawmind are a charity on a mission to improve mental health awareness. They are committed to educating individuals and organisations to understand mental health & emotional wellbeing, how to manage them effectively to lead successful, fulfilled lives.

Active4Today have been working with Shawmind to promote positive mental and physical wellbeing to our communities. We have recently supported the charity by providing dance activities as part of Children’s Mental Health week, and are continuing the partnership through the development of specialist mental wellbeing and physical activity sessions in our centres, for targeted secondary schools within the district.

Useful links for support:

Free Training

Click here for a free 20 minute online training course

Free online training from Zero Suicide Alliance


Download this free training guide for mental health awareness, Self Harm Awareness, Suicide Bereavement, Suicide Prevention & Intervention

Free training brochure (PDF File, 772kb)